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I truly regret not using Jason Brodsky as my selling agent. If I had, I would have not only made more money, but also saved myself so much time and agony. Jason didn't tell me what I wanted to hear. He's honest and accurate. He gives you the unvarnished truth. I ended up going with another agent who did tell me what I wanted to hear, and I beli...

Loretta M.

I truly regret not using Jason Brodsky as my selling agent.
If I had, I would have not only made more money, but also saved myself so much time and agony. Jason didn't tell me what I wanted to hear. He's honest and accurate. He gives you the unvarnished truth. I ended up going with another agent who did tell me what I wanted to hear, and I believe basically fed me a line of BS to secure me as a client. Jason doesn't do that. He's honest, and he's skilled. I was looking to sell my 27.75 acre property with two houses 35 minutes from Asheville. I called Jason. My mother (who lived in one of the houses, while my children and I lived in the other), and I liked Jason immediately. He was friendly and communicative, easy to talk to. He took a look at both houses and recommended we put them on the market at $700K, create a bidding war, and get them sold for more than $700,000. He showed us his methodology, and he had a detailed plan. Here comes the awful part. I then talked to another realtor. A "land specialist." In trying to sell this property, I came across several land specialists. They show up projecting a cross between Hemingway and Indiana Jones, I wouldn't be surprised to see one in jodhpurs and tweeds. The impression they're trying for is "gentleman farmer." They do a lot of implying they run in wealthy circles among a jet set crowd whose passion is snapping up land for cash, that they have only to make a phone call to get you a cash offer. The land specialist recommended I put the property on the market for $950K. I therefore chose him as a rep over Jason. It was sheer numbers. $950 is more than $700. That was my thinking. It was as simple as that. The property languished on the market with lots of showings but no offers for three months at $950,000. I took out a loan for living expenses while I waited for it to sell. My agent was content to let it languish. He thought he was doing a great job. After three months, I dropped the price. I think I dropped it to $799K the first time. Lots of showings but no offers. I dropped it again. Same thing: showings but no offers. Then I dropped it a third time. This time I dropped it to Brodsky's recommendation. About a week after dropping it to Brodsky's recommended price, I had a viable offer. Brodsky was right. And I would have saved thousands on living expenses and a loan had I simply engaged him from the start. I also would have made more money. Rather than coming from a position of weakness I would have come from a position of strength. Finally, I would not have lived through the nearly five month of anxiety and stress had I initially gone with Brodsky's accurate recommendation. I am so impressed that he was so dead-on accurate regarding my sale price. This was not an easy property to price and he nailed it. I also feel terrible that he was penalized in this instance for being honest and good at his job. As someone who is honest and tries to do a good job with everything I do, this killed me. I do firmly believe, however, that any professional's reputation depends on the long game. For example, I will use Brodsky in the future for sure if I can. The land guy who sold me false promises, I don't want anything more to do with. Honesty and skill matter!

Loretta M.

Jason and his team made my whole selling experience the absolute easiest process I've ever been through. From first contact through to the closing, they were in touch every step of the way. Jason's method for showings and determining the ...

Cathy West

Jason and his team made my whole selling experience the absolute easiest process I've ever been through.

From first contact through to the closing, they were in touch every step of the way. Jason's method for showings and determining the best selling price were spot on. My house had two days of showings and we had an offer the next day. The team at Owners Only is very friendly and knowledgeable and always available for any and all of your real estate needs. I wish all real estate transactions were this easy. I couldn't be happier!

Cathy West

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